In the interest of writing quicker, cleaner and clearer code, ES6 array helper methods are the bees knees.
Margin Collapsing Explained (with Examples)
Margin collapsing is something I’ve never really been aware of. I’m certain that I’ve come up against it, probably more than once, but not known what’s going on. I’ve probably just kept tweaking the CSS again and again until it worked.
But that’s all changing now. Here’s what margin collapsing is all about.
This is a summary of the different values of the position
CSS property and how they behave. Where possible, I’ve added examples to help show them in action.
I’ve never fully understood what a pull request (or PR) really was – the logistics or practicalities of it, at least. I knew it was about making changes to an existing project and essentially asking for those changes to be merged in, but I didn’t know how easy it was, the order that things need to happen, etc.
Sometimes the best way to learn is to just do it, so I did.

I just completed the very short Udemy course, Git Going Fast: One House Git Crash Course, which taught the basics of Git and connecting with GitHub. This is what I learned…
Google Analytics is great for showing you data about your website’s users and how they navigate and interact with your website, but it’s not so straightforward finding out the “why” behind that behaviour. That can feel especially the case when users aren’t behaving how you’d expect them to.
This blog post will take you through the steps to setup reporting of 404s in Google Analytics and Google Data Studio.
Have a server running Bitnami-powered WordPress? Here’s a collection of useful commands you might need from initial setup through to ongoing maintenance.
An SSL certificate is a bit of a no-brainer in most cases; it makes a connection with a website more secure, it builds trust with users (they see a padlock instead of a ‘Not secure’ message) and it’s a ranking factor in Google’s algorithm (announced back in 2014). What’s not to like?
If you’ve setup a WordPress site on an AWS EC2 instance using Bitnami’s image, here’s how to install a free SSL certificate provided by Let’s Encrypt.
If you’ve already setup your AWS EC2 instance based on a Bitnami image (AMI), you might be wondering how to get FTP or SFTP access to your new server. Luckily for us, it’s pretty simple!