
Quick Guide to React’s useEffect() Hook (with Examples)

The useEffect() hook is probably one of the more complex or difficult to understand hooks in React. However, it’s very powerful and is essentially a critical piece of the framework used when fetching data from APIs, using timers and more.

With that in mind, it’s worth getting your head around it.


React Refs & useRef() Explained (with Examples)

If we ever need to work with a DOM element directly (as opposed to managing state via React), Refs are what we need!


React Portals Explained (with Examples)

Let’s take a look at Portals – the handy way to get your component from A to B!


Managing an Input’s Value in the Parent’s State in React

Say you want to share the value of an input field with other components; how do you do that?

It’s actually really straightforward, however it’s something I find myself researching again and again every time I need to do it.

This is a simple example.

JavaScript React

Course Review: ‘React for Beginners’ by Wes Bos (2020)

Having gone through a video course of his some years ago, Wes Bos made a lasting impression on me as someone that could make learning to code really enjoyable and explain relatively complex concepts in an easy-to-understand way. So, when I embarked on this journey to learn React and wanted to go beyond freeCodeCamp’s intro course, I knew where to go next: his React for Beginners course.